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Supta Padanghustasana

Hamstring tightness is a common cause of low back discomfort. This stretch in the reclined position is a safe and effective way to gain more flexibility in your hamstrings. It helps to relieve low back and hip discomfort and helps you to move around more freely.

Getting into position:

  1. Lie on your back and raise your right leg just high enough that you can keep your leg straight and feel a stretch in the back of the right thigh (your hamstrings).

  2. Loop a belt around the right foot close to the heel.

  3. Hold the belt with your right hand.

While in the pose:

  1. Flex your right foot and contract your right quadriceps (front of the thigh).

  2. Guide the top of the right thigh away from your head to make some space in the right hip joint and the right waist.

  3. Concentrate on the stretch in the back of the right thigh.

  4. Keep the right arm straight.

  5. Keep the bottom leg active.

Switch sides: If one side is more difficult than the other, hold the more difficult side longer.

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 Gomukhasana Arms

This is my favorite shoulder opener. Practice this stretch regularly to relieve tension and increase flexibility in your shoulders, neck and upper back. If you have shoulder injuries, start using a belt and be gentle with the movements.

Getting into position:

  1. Place a belt over your left wrist and hold it with your left hand

  2. Move left arm over your head placing the left hand at the neck or upper back

  3. Reach your right arm behind you from underneath and hold the belt with the right hand

  4. Move the hands as close to each other on the belt as possible

  5. If your hands clasp you do not need the belt, if you need the belt on one side but not the other, use the belt on both sides

  6. Face your torso and hips forward, make sure you don’t twist and contort your body

While in the pose:

  1. Move the left shoulder blade to the left and glide it up towards the ceiling (the elbow will follow)

  2. Roll the right shoulder back, moving the right shoulder blade to the left and glide it down the back

  3. Actions 1 and 2 will cause you to create tension on the belt

  4. Breathe deeply for 6-9 breathes, attempt to relax where you feel tension

Switch sides: If one side is more difficult than the other, hold the more difficult side longer. If one side needs a belt, use a belt on both sides.